Syslog Monitoring

I just was recently looking for a method to monitor a syslog server. But as per design, syslog works using UDP, so there's no real indication that a simple syslog message has made it through successfully. As I wanted to have this service monitored by Nagios, I was looking ...

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Syntax-highlighting in your Bash

I've just been working with some xml's recently and was getting annoyed that I don't have any syntaxhighlighting on the bash stdout.. Ok, I can save it and let then vim open it, so I've got my syntax highlighting. Not what I want ;-) After a quick ...

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Decrypt Sonicwall Configurations (*.exp)


Voila, since a few weeks I'm a CSSA aka Certified Sonicwall Security Administrator ;-) Ok, nothing really exciting, but now it's time to start messing with these boxes, I would love to know what these boxes do, apart from the stuff that the webinterface tells me... :-p
Sonicwall ...

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networkers .bashrc

I couldn't find anything existing to lookup a specific TCP/UDP port, so I quickly created some messy bash functions. What I wanted is to have a simple command to lookup a specific TCP/UDP Port, and also to lookup a MAC-address -> manufacturer.


In order to get this ...

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check ssl certificate expiry dates

Another one for today.. :-D
I wanted to find a quick way to show me the expiry dates of ssl certificates on the fly, without going through any browsers etc.
A combination of sed and openssl did the job.

``` {.lang:sh .decode:true} echo "" | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect ...

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Watch linux softwareraid rebuild progress

I just recently started to play around with software RAID's under linux, and I thought I'll share a piece of code to watch the progress of a raid-rebuild.

``` {.lang:sh .decode:true} || user@workstation ~ || while [ 1 ] ; do clear ; cat /proc/mdstat ; sleep 5; done

Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1 ...

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