I couldn't find anything existing to lookup a specific TCP/UDP port, so
I quickly created some messy bash functions. What I wanted is to have a
simple command to lookup a specific TCP/UDP Port, and also to lookup a
MAC-address -> manufacturer.
In order to get this thing working, put this in your .bashrc in your homedirectory / /etc directory.
``` {.lang:sh .decode:true} function plookup { grep -hE "(^|\s)+$1(/|\s)+" ~/data/lookup/tcp_* }
function mlookup { MAC=$(echo $1 | sed 's/://g' | sed 's/-//g') grep -ih -B1 -A4 "$MAC" ~/data/lookup/oui.txt }
and additionally you need some files in \~/data/lookup/. In my case I've
got the [oui.txt](http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/oui.txt)
for the MAC addresses, and three individuals for the TCP/UDP ports. For
the portlists I've used the data of the three links posted below (nmap,
networkuptime, wikipedia), and simply copied the relevant part into
simple textfiles.
Finally you can use it like that:
``` {.lang:default .highlight:0 .decode:true}
|| user@workstation~ || plookup 3128
ndl-aas 3128/tcp Active API Server Port
ndl-aas 3128/udp Active API Server Port
squid-http 3128/tcp 0.004516
3128 Reverse WWW Tunnel Backdoor , RingZero
3128 TCP HTTP used by Web caches and the default for the Squid cache Unofficial
3128 TCP HTTP used by Tatsoft as the default client connection Unofficial
|| user@workstation~ || mlookup 00-0c-29
00-0C-29 (hex) VMware, Inc.
000C29 (base 16) VMware, Inc.
3401 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto CA 94304
Let me know if you have questions!