Handle Exchange 2007 mailbox-limits using Powershell and Customattribute15 (ADS)

In my last job, I was responsible for our exchange-environment (Exchange 2007), where we've had a lot of users with HUGE mailboxes. They kept requesting new/adjusted limits all the time, so instead of 'wasting' our 'engineers-time' for all the requests, we've came up with a pretty nice ...

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Useful code-snippets in datarecovery

Since I've had quite a bunch of failing harddrives recently in for recovery, I've created some scripts which help me doing that.

So there's one script that simply parses a logfile from DDrescue and shows you the amount of data already recovered, and the amount that's ...

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Subnetscanner as a windows-batchscript

I've just got a request for a simple subnetscanner, under the condition, that nothing can be installed on the target machine. So I've quickly put a Windows batchscript together which does the job. It's not as fast as NMAP & co, but you can be 99% sure that ...

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