This time it was The Bat! bothering me :-D
I've received an email and I wanted to open the attachment. Of course
it was named like 'spreadsheet_2010.10.19.xls', so double extensions,
which The Bat! doesn't like. So while
browsing through the options in the program, I couldn't find anything
related to it.
Firing up my lovely regedit, a bit of searching, and there it is! Just
two regkeys to change to suppress some annoying messages. :-D
Here's the result:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
And the original 'Error' messages:
[code gutter="false"]
This file is suspicious because it has double extension, its real
extension is ".xls"
It is STRONGLY recommended to check this file before you open it.
Do you still wish to open this file?
[code gutter="false"]
File extension is ".xls".
Opening of this file is potentially dangerous because the file can contain a virus. Think twice before you open any file you are not expecting. We recommend to check this file for viruses first - you should save the file to disk for doing it.
Open attachments with the Shift key pressed if you do not want to get this warning or contact your network administrator or support service to disable it forever.
Do you want to save the file to disk instead of opening it?
Thanks for reading!